Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Akamai founder article

Last month's Akamai article on founder Tom Leighton is now available on my website

You can also go directly to the PDF.

[Excerpt - "A View from the Edge", by Howard Greenfield]

In the last issue of IP Television we discussed how yesterday’s ‘dumb pipes’ are giving way to intelligent cloud services and driving a new online video brokerage.

One calling of today’s Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) is to bridge network hub and router hops to provide a seamless Internet media experience. Like sherpas - the tireless pioneers that first muscled up Everest and K2 - CDNs are today’s super-porters of new media.

The only difference is that instead of going sky-high, CDNs increasingly take their cargo wide. That is, to support services like Netflix and iTunes, they must bring high-definition and high bit-rate streams to the edge of today’s tangled networks to carry programming to mass audiences.  

. . . 
It goes with the territory according to Akamai Founder Tom Leighton – which is why they maintain 90,000 servers in over 1,800 locations and 70 countries.  (more ...)


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