AlwaysOn: Conference at the Cutting Edge
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This week, I attended Tony Perkins' intelligently crafted AlwaysOn conference event which featured luminaries across the industry postulating the biggest trends ahead for the Internet, Media, and Communications. It was a great chance to get a pulse from speakers and attendees alike on what's ahead. I had some good conversations with Firefox founder Blake Ross, Stanford futurist Paul Saffo, Google Director of Research, Peter Norvig and many others. If you were tuned in to the AlwaysOn website, you watched as it was being streamed live. If you didn't, good news! They are creating an archive for future viewing. It should be online shortly.
[Photo: Chad Hurley, CEO, YouTube on panel moderated by & Wall Street Journal's Kara Swisher]
On Broadband Social Networking: "People are very visual, they like to see other people's stuff. Even if it's Timmy beating up Bobby -- part of the appeal driving these social network sites and creates a place for advertisers." --Web Advertising Executive
On the Future of Telecommunications: "My prediction is that in 10 years time all the global telephone calls will be free" --Attendee from India
AlwaysOn was capped by a suprise enthusisatic interview with Woz (Apple co-founder and inventor of the Apple II, Steve Wozniak) that spanned the computer revolution past, present and future.
More on this soon...